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In the contemporary world, having a degree might be insufficient, especially in the job market today. Due to the unending competition in the job opportunity, you need to have an extra course that makes you stand out. Below, we highlight some of the top professional developmental studies to add to your resume to earn that slot for your dream job.

Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers

If you are an accountant, you will understand that the market is very competitive, especially when you only have one degree in your career. Being among the top coveted professions in the world. Adding a professional course to it will give you a better position to get that job; therefore, the fundamentals of finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers will be suitable for you. The class is not only theoretical. It also teaches you important life lessons you should add to your curriculum vitae and help you in accounting, especially in the current market.


If you are a lover of technology and informatics, it is essential to have basic knowledge of python. The short courses are offered for five days, and they can be studied online. This enables you to learn remotely. Python allows you to be more competent in Information Technology, making you more qualified whenever you apply for an extra job or request a promotion.

Fundamentals of Human Resources Management

If you are working in the management industry, you are aware that you can be appointed as a human resource manager without any HR skills. The fundamentals of human resource management allow you to understand how running an HR office is done. It gives you a comprehensive elaboration of the HR roles and their functions. The course has a total of four lessons that are conducted virtually. This makes it reliable for any person still working a nine-to-five job.

Scaling up your skills gives you a better chance to be more competent in the job market. Additionally, it allows you to understand the functions of your role in the company. The affordability and efficacy of these courses make it easier for you to learn them on the go. If you are looking for any developmental classes, you can check this guide to select the preferable one for your career.